



Model Aanganwadi

Model Aanganwadi

Project Client

ICDS, Uttarakhand

Project Type

Educational Institution



Project Status



50 sqm

This project is a proposal to the organisation Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) for nursery schools or anganwadis in Uttrakhand. ICDS, Uttarakhand issues a basic design template for anganwadis across the region to be built by Gram Panchayats and municipal bodies. This follows a basic RCC construction, not sensitive to the environment children require to grow and learn. Anganwadis is the first step towards education and hence is an essential space to generate interest and innovation in children. Also, for a state like Uttarakhand, one design template cannot work due to the different terrains, climates, material availability, road proximity and other site conditions.

The proposal thus aims to compile a manual with design alternatives suiting for all conditions, providing for enough flexibility in construction and materiality. These aanganwadi design includes sustainable features like a vegetable garden, Gobar gas plant, rain water harvesting and solar power which can also spread awareness amongst the villagers to adopt such sustainable practices. Multiple variants of interactive flooring patterns, door designs, wall paintings and play equipment is incorporated in the design spaces informative as well as fun for learning.

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Play area