



Village Haat : Sfurna Design Institute.

Village Haat : Sfurna Design Institute.

The pavilion constructed for the workshop is a place for the locals to sell their produce and exhibit their bamboo furniture. The locals are envisioned to develop a sense of ownership towards the space while selling their products. It is strategically positioned to abut the main highway, so that the curved structure can easily attract passerby’s.

The structure explores bending properties of bamboo, forming a parabolic shed. The workshop was taken as a 10-day hands-on learning exercise with the students of Sfurna design school, Bharuch. They were first asked to test making different kinds of 1:1 details and bamboo joineries, guided by bamboo craftsmen and instructors. After which they started working on the structure.  Through the explorations student learnt the properties and challenges of working with bamboo as a construction material.

Final Structure
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