

Urban Design


Transport Planning


#2 Tactical redesign of high fatality intersection

#2 Tactical redesign of high fatality intersection

Project Client

Save Life Foundation

Project Type

intersection design



Project Status

Completed, January 2021


100m radius

Intersection redesign, Vaiduwadi chowk

The Zero Fatality Corridor (ZFC) is a road traffic safety model pioneered by the Save Life
Foundation to reduce the number of road crashes and consequent injuries, damages, and
fatalities. The Vaiduwadi chowk is located  at the crossroads of Solapur-Pune highway. When varying hierarchy of roads intersect with each other, the resulting intersection generally yields dominating flow of traffic along one axisThe intersection geometry further exacerbates the traffic flow, often encouraging wrong-side motorists to take a shortcut to merge along the Solapur-Pune highway. This criss-crossing traffic movement creates safety hazards for all modes, but most specifically pedestrians and two-wheeler motorists. The project study was carried out in five phases:
1. Baselining the intersection will consist of documenting the site pre-intervention.
2. Quantifying the Traffic Characteristics of existing traffic patterns and identify problems about safety and flow for all modes.
3. Understanding user perceptions and behaviour.
4. Outlining Tactical Urbanism Intervention into an implementable plan to achieve
the vision set out in the previous phases.
5. Assessing Impact will conduct traffic studies post-design intervention, measuring the impact through comparing the indicators that were documented in the first phase